Any experience with Arc ref75 driving magnepans

Thinking about buying a Arc ref 75 to go with my ls27. I have 1.7 right now and will upgrade to the 3.7s in the future..I listen mostly to jazz along with some classical and classic rock. Once in awhile I turn up the volume...I'm reaching out to you for your input...Thanks
Don C-55,

I have to disagree with you about ARC tube amps. I have owned 2 of them for the past 15 years and all I have ever done is replace tubes.
Taters,just wondering if you still have your ls27? I just got mine and I love it! What prompt me to start this thread was from reading threads stating that the ls27 wouldn't be a good match with the pass xa30.5 ...well to my ears it is a great match so far...That doesn't mean I won't try the ref 75. Because I think I will...What a great and rewarding hobby we have! The gift of music..

I still have the Ls-27 and I think it is very good. I don't know why people would say it's not a good match with the Pass
xa30.5. I haven't heard the REf-75 but I have read it is excellent. My next move will probably be a used REf-150. I'm still waiting for the prices to drop but I have a feeling it might be a couple of years.
Directly from the mouth of Nelson Pass.

"Our experience is no problems at all with the ARC or CJ products with regard to interface. The amp doesn't care about source impedance. It's actual input impedance is close to 0 ohms, and the input impedance spec comes from the resistors we put in series with that input. Adding a little more from the source doesn't create issues."

I will preface this by saying that I listen at high volumes sometimes. That being said, I bought a pair of Maggie 3.7 six months ago as something to play around with (the everyday speaks being Focal Alto Utopias).

WOW!!!....the 3.7s have me burying the big blue meters on the McIntosh MC501 amps (500wpc into 2, 4, & 8 ohms) on a regular basis. I often times switch amps and speakers in and out of the everyday system for fun (that's what we do, right), but I have never had to turn the volume knob like I did when I put the Maggies in line.

The 3.7s are a fantastic loudspeaker for what they do, but their power hungry reputation is well deserved.

With the Stereophile test bench numbers and the Maggie's appetite for watts and your suggestion that you may want to "get on the volume" from time to time, I would recommend you look at power alternatives--maybe one of ARCs $.02.

Btw...I am using a class D power amp from Peachtree Audio to power the Maggies in a second system now...220/400 watts 8/4 ohms respectively and somewhat pleased with the results.
