Vac Phi 200 vs. Audio Research Reference 75

Hello all,
My Lectron JH-50 (EL-34 tube amp) may be dying and if I have to replace it, VAC Phi 200 and Audio Research Reference 75 will be at the top of my list. I plan to check the Reference 75, but I have no ways of getting even close to Phi 200. The speakers are Pro Ac Response 3.8, the pre-amps are Klyne 7 and NAT Audio Plasma. I listen to everything but hip hop and modern country music. Acoustic guitar, piano, violin, woodwinds, and voices are my favorite instruments. I do play Black Sabbath once in awhile (and I am going to get their new CD). Please, reply if you have heard both of them or anything else that should be in the competition.
Thanks to everyone who replies.
In case it was not clear, what I was trying to say is the Lectron and the VAC have some similar strengths. They also have a similar characteristic despite one using EL-34s and one 300bs. They have very robust, over-designed power supplies and output transformers.
Thanks Swampwalker,
I left you a question about biasing Lectron under your system. Please, respond if you don't mind.
Thanks again.