Audio Research Reference 5SE reliability

After reading the glowing revieuw on the Stereophile-website by Brian Damkroger on the ARC REF5SE there was a comment that: quote: by Audioware on nov 15, 2012,

"These pres are outstanding. However the problem is their poor reliability. 06 (six) of them were already on my services bench this year to fix problems with the transformer that feeds the dgital, the remote control and the on-off switch, circuits. It is a small xformer below the circuit board that burns out frequently. Another very serious problem is with the 6H30s filament regulators that do not stand for the increased current demanded by the new 6H30s intead of the old 6922s. ARC has to pay more attention to these problems!"

I already checked my dealer, who was really surprised and did not recognise these problems.

Comments will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
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Yes, I don't buy it at all. Why would he see ANY Ref5se's at all? They would be under warranty and returned to ARC for repair... Remarks like that are what is wrong with the Internet. People just make s..t up.
I suppose Audioware is referring also to ARC Ref5 and Ref3, which are also mentioned in the header of his comments, so it is not clear if the number of six are exclusively all Ref5SE. I also doubt about that.
Before posting this query, did you find *any* confirming information, any other message on the originating site or anywhere else that supports the claim sufficient to warrant repeating it here?? Just to let you know there is a perspective from which re-posting a 6-month old disparaging commentary from another Web site can sound like a drive-by.
I've been fixing ARC for over 20 years as a warranty repair station. I haven't seen a single Ref5 or Ref5SE with a transformer issue. I did replace one transformer in a Ref3 years ago. Me thinks Audioware hath been exposed to too many solder fumes.