high power tube amps vs ss

I have always had low efficiancy speakers and had powerfull ss amps to power them. Now I see there are a number of tube amps in the 150 - 200 WPC range. My questions is: is there anything to be gained by switching to these higher power tube amps over ss amps?
I did have a SS guitar once for a few months A GK 250ML. The cabinet was metal and built like a tank!! Very interesting little amp. It screamed!
And yes, this GK amp was stereo, 50 watts,
I believe.
I am unaware of any other stereo guitar amps, but I would not doubt that others do exist.
Okay, let me try this again. I was referring to a home stereo ss amp, preferably a mono one. I tried a Denon with my guitar years ago. It sounded pretty good.
Onhwy61 & French_fries
Also, in regard to your mention of two channels,
I have an old beat-up black face Super Reverb. When I got it my amp tech made it "healthy" and since it's condition, I didn't mind adding a toggle switch in the back.
You would play through the clean channel, the reverb and tremolo would work with that channel. Throwing the toggle would overdrive into the second channel. ALL controls worked together!!!
Many tonal combinations and MUCH power!!
It was a real sleeper. People always wondered how that amp could crank so much!! HA And the original speakers always stayed intact :)
Isochornism, I don't use it very often, but I still have a GK250. It's a wonderful amp!

Csontos, nobody does that unless there is no other choice. Impedance and gain mismatches are usually the problem.
It is currently in my "archive". I had considered getting an additional Super cab, minus amp, to use as an additional extension speaker cabinet...
ala' Super Full Stack!