How can a 30 watt, 28 year old amp sound more

I recently connected a 30 watt NAD 3130 integrated to my 85 db efficient 8 ohm ATC SCM 12's. The amp it replaced was a 120 Watt high current and very highly rated amp. The sound I got was bolder, deeper, punchier and more dynamic. It took hold of the mid/woofers and whipped them into total submission. What the hell?

What would account for that? I always thought more watts, high current equals more dynamics and control. This proves me wrong. The NAD is also a high current design, but 30 watts??? is it damping factor? is it slew rate? the 120 watt amp has a damping factor of over 500 and is stable to 2 ohms. The spec on the NAD does not include damping factor or slew rates. It too is stable into 2 ohms.

Can anyone explains why in this case, watts did not matter? any idea what makes this 30 Watt integrated sound so bold, dynamic, and punchy?

After 28 years... maybe it's time to get the caps replaced?

If you think it's good now... get the caps upgraded to mundorf or even something even more exotic?

I re-cap'd my speaker crossover with mundorf - they now perform so much better than the originals
I think that after 28 years the NAD has finally broken in. The less patient than you will never know how good the amp is.

BTW, if you sell the amp on Audiogon anyone can quickly search your posts and find out that a lowly NAD amp sounds better than what you're selling, at least in your opinion.
Recently I came into possession of a Sansui receiver from the mid 70s, an HK integrated from about 82 and an Onkyo integrated from 85. They all had this in common, they were calibrated or voiced to work well with sources such as tape decks and turntables, both much less dynamic than the modern cd player.

For that reason they gave the impression with a CD player that was punchier and more dynamic. I'm sure the NAD is much the same. The more dynamic and higher voltage cd player made the difference. BTW, turntables sounded really nice on this old gear.
I think I agree with you Runnin, this NAD is definitely EQ'ed to boost certain frequencies...Just seems to work well with the ATC's...

"05-14-13: Ddd1
I have an amp that would eat that NAD for lunch, but I would rather not mention the brand. Hope that helps."

You are what you eat.