i hear sim audio amps are unreliable

I am wondering about the integrated amps by sim audio. I have read old post on here saying that it takes forever to get the problem fixed and that some people had trouble with sim amp after only one year and that sims didn't want to fix the problem. when your sims audio product messed up how did things go with the customer service?
Xti16 I don't know why he thought that I was trolling. I really wanted to know about the brand. even though it says Elizabeth I bet it is a male troll. How long did he have the sim audio line before having problems? The factory was sending the amps supposedly repaired and they still had problems? is that what you mean or they were defective when hooked up for the first time? I have heard of that happening a lot with many brands defective out of the box. what did he replace the brand with that seems reliable?

If you are going to make these claims as your first post here, then point us to where you have seen this mentioned. With that being your first post, and no evidence presented, I hope you can understand why this post might be interpreted as trolling.

And you owe it to the company in question to not make unsubstantiated claims that might affect their sales without some sort of proof.
I didn't ask any details as to why my dealer dropped the line. Also as far as I know he didn't have any problems with units not working. Again I really didn't care because I didn't care for the sound. He did replace the Sim line with Burmester which is more to my liking but not affordable for me.
My local dealer has been carrying Sim for 20 years. If it was not reliable he would not still be selling it.