In all my years of audio interest I've never used spikes so I have a drawer full of them. I guess I just didn't understand, and am still a little fuzzy, how this seemingly simple application could accomplish much. Anyway, I appreciate your knowledge and experience so will continue to try understanding the rationale. I'm trying not to sound hard headed about spikes and I do like the idea of using "pucks" of some sort under the spikes but wonder what would be accomplished by moving the interface between the speaker and floor to between the puck and the floor. As a matter of fact, it creates 4 extra points of contact using this method. BTW, I do have the owners manual but didn't, obviously, heed ML's instructions. I'm going to try soft feet because I do believe that it will result in more solid contact than the flat floor to flat speaker box, because neither are truly flat.
BTW, both Rogue Audio and my dealer agree that this amp with a damping factor of 1000, should easily keep the bass tight, everything else being equal.