I remember quite clearly lusting after mcintosh gear in high school in the late 70s, going to the big time hifi shop and being mesmerized. When I had some coin to be able to put towards a decent system there were a few places that seemed to offer the same stable of products, mcintosh, B&W, rotel, etc. Having auditioned those brands and some of the less well known but well respected it seemed to me that more could be had $ for $ with other options. I will never forget hearing a B&W/Mcintosh demo and asked the salesperson to turn off the subwoofer and he said it was already off. I went over and put my hand on it to feel it vibrate and he then turned it off.
I have a good friend that has a mcintosh set-up and just doesn't do anything for me for whatever reason.
I have a good friend that has a mcintosh set-up and just doesn't do anything for me for whatever reason.