Anyone enjoy their amp's sound more than music?

I find my self being drawn into the sound of quality amps, and find myself enjoying the hifi gears as well as the music.

It's hauntingly attractive, and can't get over it - some amps like the Krell, even Adcom is not bad, and of-course we all like class A stuff.

Is this just me, or other's do this as well?

Just curious...
Hello Mr R- I'm using them as coupling caps, from the plates of my dual triode driver tube, to the output tube grids(one per phase). They are .22uF/630V(in my Cary mains). A side note: It's said that the CAST/stacked construction(of the Deulands) obviates the need to orient(what would be) the outer foil lead, toward the lower impedence, for least noise. I tested mine(before installation) and there was a marked difference in noise levels, when leads were swapped to ground. My apologies, if we are seen as hijacking this thread.
I like the idea of turning your gear on and NOT playing anything to enjoy the silence...meditate...sleep...go elsewhere knowing your hifi is not doing anything...ride my motorcycle...although I turn the stuff off when I'm not around for a while, I am comforted in knowing it's there just gets in the way...all those notes...who needs that?
Sounds to me that you're just enjoying the music MORE on the better equipment. Exactly! Also, nothing wrong with preferring your hifi to a concert. I would much rather watch a ball game on a big-screen tv sitting on a nice couch relaxing than roasting to death in an open stadium surrounded by 50,000 screaming pigs. Any baseball goers in the present company are excepted of course.
I do think it's pretty clear that audio geeks are more into "active listening" by virtue of the fact that they care about sound quality...and that's a good thing.