Pre-amps with seperate power supplies .....

I have a pre-amp with a seperate power supply that is connected by an umbilical cord. I am not an electrical engineer and I do not pretend to be one nor do I play one on TV.....I am pretty sure that there is DC current going from the power supply to the main pre-amp to power that component. Does it make any sonic sense to upgrade that umbilical cord seeing how that it is ''only'' carrying DC current ????? The pre-amp in question is a Classe' CP-700. I have asked this very same question to the fine people at Classe' and they said improving that cord would not make any difference.... So, I will ask that question here and also see if anybody has actually upgraded that power cord.
I have not read all the responses but will agree that just because a product has a separate power supply does not make it better. It all comes down to the design. You can put a crappy design in a separate enclosure just as easily as a superior design.
We do it in our Purity products due to space restrictions. There is no way we are fitting a dual mono PS and all the analog circuitry into a single chassis.

I also agree that umbilical cords 'can' make a big difference but just changing one out does not guarantee better performance. You have to take into consideration wire gauges that can alter voltages if differences are too large.
"It analogous to why hi-end speaker companies do not include speaker cables with their products."

Speaker cables may not be included, but some speaker manufacturers offer their own brand of speaker cables. Naim, Dunlavy, ProAc to name a few. A little company called Hammer Dynamics also had very specific speaker cable to match their speakers and it just so happens nothing works better.

"Most manufactures of high priced equipment do not include a “named” audiophile approved power cord"

LOL, Please tell me what a "named" audiophile approved power cord is. I need to know.
Please tell me what a "named" audiophile approved power cord is. I need to know.

Insert any "name" you want i.e. Cardas, Synergistic Research, JPS, Nordost, Transparent etc..