Ayon Orion 2 or Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Int.?

I was wondering if anyone has auditioned both of these amps? I was dead set on the Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Integrated amp, until I saw Absolute Sound's review of Ayon Orion 2. They are comparably priced, but I would like opinions on which sounds better. I like the fact that the Ayon is made in Europe, (as opposed to PL, which is assembled in China). Which model will have better build quality? What differences would there be in the sound of these two amps? Thank you for taking the time to give your expert input.

"I like the fact that the Ayon is made in Europe, (as opposed to PL, which is assembled in China). Which model will have better build quality?"

My first post tries to give you some insight as to what you can expect regarding your above post. If the choice were mine, I would take anything made in the US over just about anything made in China. It doesn't matter how good the stuff looks, a good portion of it always seems to go bad somehow. That's my honest opinion. If people are offended by it, there's nothing I can do about it.
The $700 difference in price is most likely attributed to the country of assembly or manufacture. But there is no sense getting into a made in China/ made elsewhere discussion given that the PCs we are using to answer your thread are all made in China.

Eight years ago when I purchased my Prima Luna PL2, I wrote an audio review here .

I have never heard the Ayon, so I can not answer your question directly. I can tell you my impressions of the Prima Luna and in eight years, I have never felt the urge to upgrade.

"But there is no sense getting into a made in China/ made elsewhere discussion given that the PCs we are using to answer your thread are all made in China."

Why would our PC's being made in China have anything to do with a tube preamp?

I've loved my PrimaLuna for some years now without one single solitary problem.
The Ayon Orion is made in China. Their other amps are Austrian.

I have not heard the Orion but have heard the Spirit 1 and it's a good amp. I have no experience with Prima Luna, but I certainly like the Ayon gear.

Rather than an Orion, I'd try to land a used Spirit here on Audiogon.