Ayon Orion 2 or Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Int.?

I was wondering if anyone has auditioned both of these amps? I was dead set on the Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Integrated amp, until I saw Absolute Sound's review of Ayon Orion 2. They are comparably priced, but I would like opinions on which sounds better. I like the fact that the Ayon is made in Europe, (as opposed to PL, which is assembled in China). Which model will have better build quality? What differences would there be in the sound of these two amps? Thank you for taking the time to give your expert input.

You guys are right. I don't know what I was thinking. I tried to pull a fast one on you. Everything I said was made up.
Ladoc, ARC was my favorite amp before PrimaLuna, and I had the same opinion as you, after acquiring the PrimaLuna. Now I like it better because I'm able to tailor the sound to my taste with NOS tubes. Mine is 70 watts per channel mono blocks.

Enjoy the music.
Buy the Ayon. Amazing amp. Replaced input tubes with amperex nos and just incredible, lifelike music!
Came with Shunguang Black Treasure KT88 tubes
Don't ignore the Line Magnetic Amps give them a listen musical magic.

Built like tanks class real class.