ARC LS15: did they ever use Mundorf MCaps on it ?

the topic is all in the question.
I saw a used LS15 and it has M-Caps instead of REL or InfiniCaps; it is for sale by a dealer who says he's sure that his client bought it new and that this man told him he made no repairs or so apart from changing the tubes.

do you know of LS15 with stock M-Caps ??
yes, but for me not before listening to the stock one (that's a personal opinion, obviously); and then again, I would neet to be sure about who and how worked on the preamp.
moreover, as I already said, if a seller lies on one self evident fact, he may lie on anything...
anyway, in the end I decided to let the LS15 go... now I saw a pair of LS16 (one mkI and one mkII); see related thread :-D

but most people tell me that neither an LS15 nor an LS16 (regardless of mk) would be a significant upgrade for me.
most people tell me to go for an LS22 or LS25 or, at least, LS17.
they may be sure right, but that takes 1000 euros more...
I think I have to think it over for a while.
"the key words are "as long as it's done right"."

It was done right when it left the Audio Reseasrch factory. Have you ever seen the facility at Audio Research? If you did you would never trust some guy in his garage or little shop with no real knowledge and no equipment to speak of other than a soldering gun. As far as I am concerned these guys are shysters just looking for a way to make a buck by leading you to believe they are going to enhance the sound of your already excellent sounding equipment.
Rrog, Do you work for Audio Research or sell their gear? Please kindly reconsider your comment.
You may be stereotyping a whole lot of well respected boutique component manufacturers who work with honest and knowledgeable modders out there.