ARC LS15: did they ever use Mundorf MCaps on it ?

the topic is all in the question.
I saw a used LS15 and it has M-Caps instead of REL or InfiniCaps; it is for sale by a dealer who says he's sure that his client bought it new and that this man told him he made no repairs or so apart from changing the tubes.

do you know of LS15 with stock M-Caps ??
Most important is to get rid of the cheap bandaid .01uf bypass cap at the output if ever there's a mod attempt and you are using a premium cap there.

Do you recommend replacing the cheap .01uf bypass cap with a premium cap or just leave it out?
Just my own personal un/non-professional opinion but based on my experience with modding a few Audio Research units.
Take out the whole output cap/0.01uF bypass combo, replace with 2.2 or 2.7uF Mundorf Silver Gold Oil or VCap TFTF. No need for 0.01uF bypass. The bypass caps are a bandaid for a less than optimal main output cap.
@Ketchup check out arcdb for the schematics of your line stage. Very easy inexpensive mod. If you put a scope right at the input of the regulator to look at the raw B+ you will see why I recommended a choke.