Hi Jimmy,
I knew it was the amp because everything else was working well until I changed it. My previous amp was the Krell 300i integrated and I was looking for a warmer sound. In the showroom, I guess the dealer knew how to keep the volume down as indeed, it sounded good then. Back home, things were still good but orchestral crescendoes just melted before my very ears when i crank it up to realistic levels. I changed the Mac to a Levinson and the problem was gone.
I knew it was the amp because everything else was working well until I changed it. My previous amp was the Krell 300i integrated and I was looking for a warmer sound. In the showroom, I guess the dealer knew how to keep the volume down as indeed, it sounded good then. Back home, things were still good but orchestral crescendoes just melted before my very ears when i crank it up to realistic levels. I changed the Mac to a Levinson and the problem was gone.