What should I upgrade


I'm putting this here because I'm not sure of where to put it. I have a very modest system.

-NAD C162 pre amp
-Aragon 2004 amp
-Emotiva XDA-1 DAC
-Squeezebox Touch/Sonos pulling files off of an NAS
-Silverline Minuet Supremes
-Rel T3 sub, which I actually rarely use

I really like my system, but am kind of getting an itch to get something different. The speakers are pretty much here to stay for a while. So far, they're the best for me, considering my space/placement limitations.

I think I'm also going to stick with the SBT and Sonos. I really like the convenience of not having to deal with disks. I have grand kids.

So, given what I have for a pre, amp and DAC, what should I upgrade that will probably give me an appreciable improvement?

Thanks for the responses. I know that the Silverlines are going to be hard to beat without spending a whole lot more money, where I have to have them, anyway. I noted above that those were here to stay for a while. I only mentioned them for the sake of speculated system synergy.

I have been giving some thought to grabbing a tubed pre amp, but then also thought that my cheapie DAC might need upgrading. I wasn't sure, so posted this thread for some opinions.

I am a bang for the buck kind of guy, so I run all Blue Jeans cabling.
If you really like your system, perhaps you can just enjoy the music and not tinker with it - human beings have this psychological need to venture out and experience something new, and this can get costly in hifi real fast.

You know about the law of diminishing returns - higher you go, the less satisfying will be your returns, unless you spend much much more...

What I did, when i got the itch, is to get a new mini system for a different part of the apartment - gym area, kitchen, bed rooms, etc.

If you want to go this rout, might be interested in something like this - it has computer streaming capability + improves ipod sounds by using it's upgraded DAC on play back.

I really like my system, but am kind of getting an itch to get something different. So, given what I have for a pre, amp and DAC, what should I upgrade that will probably give me an appreciable improvement?
If you really like your system, perhaps you can just enjoy the music and not tinker with it - human beings have this psychological need to venture out and experience something new, and this can get costly in hifi real fast. You know about the law of diminishing returns - higher you go, the less satisfying will be your returns, unless you spend much much more... 06-03-13: Liquid-smooth

I'd say listen to Liquid-smooth. I agree, if you like your system, enjoy it. When you begin to tinker there are no guarantees of anything except that you'll be spending money. I've observed that upgraditis often occurs because of dissatisfaction with the system. You really like yours; be happy for a time.
"but then also thought that my cheapie DAC might need upgrading."

Actually, the XDA1 Emotiva dac is very good. I had one in my system for a year and replaced it with the 1,000.00 Wyred4Sound dac1. There is a difference for the better with the Wyred dac, but not very much better. I could have easily lived with the Emotiva. Replacing the dac won't give you very much bang for the buck. I would also look into a tube integrated and would lean towards the Prima Luna or Mystere integrated.
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