What should I upgrade


I'm putting this here because I'm not sure of where to put it. I have a very modest system.

-NAD C162 pre amp
-Aragon 2004 amp
-Emotiva XDA-1 DAC
-Squeezebox Touch/Sonos pulling files off of an NAS
-Silverline Minuet Supremes
-Rel T3 sub, which I actually rarely use

I really like my system, but am kind of getting an itch to get something different. The speakers are pretty much here to stay for a while. So far, they're the best for me, considering my space/placement limitations.

I think I'm also going to stick with the SBT and Sonos. I really like the convenience of not having to deal with disks. I have grand kids.

So, given what I have for a pre, amp and DAC, what should I upgrade that will probably give me an appreciable improvement?

I appreciate all of the info Bob. I think that a good crossover would probably be a worthwhile addition to my system.

I looked into the XM9 and there is a lot of information out there about modding them; although that makes me wonder why the need for modding exists.

The better units like the Bryston are just out of my range, price wise.

I'm going to look into trying to find a Hsu unit.
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Bob, that does look interesting. I don't know about building one. I don't even know if my soldering station still works.

I'm going to keep an eye out for a Hsu unit.
Oh, I just got back from my local shop and checked out an NAD integrated. I think that what I heard sort of convinced me that my amp is what I need to be looking at; although I am looking around for a cross over.
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