What should I upgrade


I'm putting this here because I'm not sure of where to put it. I have a very modest system.

-NAD C162 pre amp
-Aragon 2004 amp
-Emotiva XDA-1 DAC
-Squeezebox Touch/Sonos pulling files off of an NAS
-Silverline Minuet Supremes
-Rel T3 sub, which I actually rarely use

I really like my system, but am kind of getting an itch to get something different. The speakers are pretty much here to stay for a while. So far, they're the best for me, considering my space/placement limitations.

I think I'm also going to stick with the SBT and Sonos. I really like the convenience of not having to deal with disks. I have grand kids.

So, given what I have for a pre, amp and DAC, what should I upgrade that will probably give me an appreciable improvement?

Oh, I just got back from my local shop and checked out an NAD integrated. I think that what I heard sort of convinced me that my amp is what I need to be looking at; although I am looking around for a cross over.
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The problem is that there is no dealing with in-room response, in my system. My system is in the den and I have what I have, which is why I've had so much trouble finding just the right set of speakers to be able to make the most of what I have.

The Silverline Minuets have done an admirable job of "polishing a turd."

I'm still looking for a good deal on a decent crossover. That is my most immediate concern. I'm really curious to see how the Minuets behave when they are high passed.
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I hear what you are saying. When I first took an interest in "better than average" gear, I spent a lot of time in my local high end shop. I auditioned all sorts of stuff. Spent a bit of money too. In the end, I just settled for the best sound that I could get in MY room.

I do, however, have to admit that most of that was speaker selection. I have the little Minuets now and they are hear to stay for a while. They are the most forgiving speaker that I've tried.

As for the Pre/Pro, it's funny that you mentioned that. I was actually thinking along those line too, not too long ago, when an NAD T162 came up for sale.