Bi-amp solution for Tannoy R2

Hi folks. I have a pair of Tannoy Revolution R2 loudspeakers. They came with a Marantz surround amp which I used to bi-amp them by using the surround L & R to power the bass. 90 watts per channel. Not bad.

I stumbled, however, on a blown Peachtree Nova and bought it for relatively nothing. I am awaiting a PCB which will put it back in order, and will be using the unit as DAC, Preamp and Poweramp for the Mid/Treble.

My question is, given the existing components (The Marantz will go to my HT setup), what amp would you suggest for powering the bass? I'd like a poweramp with a volume control so that I can tweak the bass level. My budget is somewhere in the $300 range and I prefer to buy used.

I listen to all kinds of music from Glenn Gould to Steely Dan to Pat Metheney to Yes to the Stones. I'm not a basshead; I would like to hear what the recording engineer intended ;-)

A fine day to you all.
don't go crazy biamping R2 they won't benefit especially if you'd like to hear what recording engineer intended. moreover they'll loose portion of their already somewhat poor dynamic range. use single amp upto 100wpc.
Okay. In other words, I should get some better speakers. What would you suggest a step above these? Thanks.
if your budget is only $300, you can stick with one amp or get the dedicated single amp for your current speakers. if you have a space, you can go vintage valley such as klipsch heresy which are $500 in good condition.
you can also go active with wharfdale titan 12, a very well regarded pro audio speaker that performs well for home audio.