NCore vs. Ice -- single or separate cases

Hey guys,

I've recently gotten a bug that I can't shake. I went to sleep thinking about it last night.

I want to try out a class D amp.

I've narrowed my choices down to something based on either the NCore NC400 or the IcePower 125asx2.

If I went the way of the NC400, I'll be building them myself. If I went the way of the Ice, I may build it myself or just buy the assembled units. Either way, the NC400 builds will run about twice that of the Ice builds.

Is there anyone out there that can comment on which is better? If the answer is that the NC400 is better, is it worth twice the price?

My next question is whether I should build the mono units into separate boxes or a single box? In other words, is it better to use a longer interconnect with a short speaker cable or vice versa?

Hi Tony, where do you live? I have a pair of NC400 amps that I am not using...
Nsirkin, I'm in the New Orleans area.

My speakers are a pair of Silverline Minuet Supreme Pluses. They aren't hard to push, but they can take a lot of power.

I pulled out the old SPL meter the other night while I was listening and it looks like I'm in the 80 - 90 db range, with an occasional jump in the 95+db range. There are just some passages that I really like.

I really don't want to go with a passive. I want remote control and really don't want to rope myself into something that is finicky about what it wants to play with.

I've being thinking about getting into something like an Aragon 28K or something like that.

I'm just going to go ahead order the parts for the NC400 build/s and see what happens. I've been doing more reading and it appears that just plopping the 125asx2 modules into a box isn't going to get me what I want.

I just really hope that the NC400s sound at least as good as my Aragon 2004 does.
Tony, if you do a great build of the NC400 you will be extremely happy with the sound you will get from NC400 for the money.

Good luck

PS Make sure you allow some time for break in. Also keep them on all the time except every three to four weeks turn them off for several hours then back on till the next time. Pull the power cord to do this if you do not have a main off switch.
Nsirkin, this is for pretty much all amps, etc.

You want the caps (etc) to fully discharge and then fully recharge on a regular basses so they stay optimal. It will provide the best long term performance for all your equipment and the best possible sound.