Hi, my krell kct preamp, the fuse located under the power cord plug is blown. I replace it and it immediately blew again. Does anybody have any idea what is going on, beside shipping it back to krell dealer? ( or Maybe can a local electronic shop fix it?)

Yes, without question best guy to call is Steve Lacrone.
He used to work for Krell and knows everything about fixing Krell products. He also fixes tons of other high end equipment.
He fixed one of my Krell KAS Amps at a good deal.

Here's his site and info.
203 331 0671
All good advice. But let me say I have had outstanding service from Krell over the course of the last ten years. I have owned amps, preamps, and a KPSc-25 (did I say it correctly?).
They were fast and reasonable, and explained what was happening whether it was for a warranty repair, or an upgrade, or a cosmetic repair.
LOL!, I know both Steve Lacrone and Ray muchler at Krell, I decided to send my Krell 700 cx to Krell instead of steve, they are both great, However, I requested the amp to be totally renewed, cost no object!, Its only 8 years old, But I did have this crazy Bias problem on the left channel to where the left side of the amp was getting so hot, the amp would go into stand-by mode, needless to say, It is not the amps fault, like an idiot, I let a dealership work on it, that use to be a krell dealer, they band-aided the amp, then the problem got worse over time!, so, after looking at all the shipping on the krell 700cx, I said, wala, I surely should do all that I can now, since the amp is there at Krell, so I will not have to do a cap job a few years from now!, she should be good to go for the next 15 to 25 years!, Happy listening!