Are class A watts more powerful then class AB, or is a watt just a watt. In other words would a 100 watt class A amp struggle with speakers that a 200 Watt class AB amp can handle just fine? I guess current would matter as well. Anyway, I was just curious.
Watts are watts, Class A, AB, or D. The advantage Class A has over Class AB is no switching distortion, as the power output of the transistors is always on. This has nothing to do with power output though.
I tend to agree, Watts are Watts, though I find Class A is the only way for me to listen to SS amps, but that's just me.
Where there does seem a difference is tube and SS watts. The former seems to handle comparitively difficult loads, beter than SS amps with the same rated output, given sufficiently robust output transformers. Whether that is only because of the well known "Benign Clipping", that charecterises tube amps, I am not sure.
My earlier XA100.5 monoblock's from Pass were superior in drive and dynamics compared to my modified Nu-Vista 300 poweramp from Musical fidelity which gave more than 2 times 350 watt by 8 ohm.
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