Mark Levinson 333.5 vs Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks

We are pushing Thiel 3.6 speakers with our dual-monaural Mark Levinson 333.5 amp. we are considering a switch to the Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks. Does anyone have actual experience with both the 333.5 (or 333) and the XPR-1's?

If not with the Levinson amp, then any experience vs. the XPR-1's with another higher end amp?

We have 2-30 watt receptacles ready for the job in hand. Also have 20 amp receptacles. Both services are on dedicated circuits.
French_fries, Audiolabyrinth, Tonyangel and all;

Truth be told, we have a real craving to replace our 3 Acurus home theater amps with the Sherbourn PA 7-350.

In 2009, Sherbourn was acquired by Jade Design, and combined with Emotiva.

If we sold the 333.5 and the Acurus amps we'd have the cash to pull off the deal. However, without reading our threads, Mary has the same "what if" concern as Tony and most of my new friends here.

Therefore, for now, we will enjoy the UMC-200 with the latest firmware update, the Oppo 103, the Acurus amps and our 7ch theater. We will continue to pine over the PA7-350

I'm not trying to improve the 2 channel audio because like many of you understand the Levinson 333.5 is no ordinary beast. Besides if I gave it up I could no longer call myself Levchappy. Now that the fear of displeasing the Audio Gods is firmly reinstated......

Does anyone have experience with the PA7-350
@ french Fries, Hi, I love my Krell fpb 700cx amp!, sounds excellent to me!, one of the best mid-range sounds I have ever heard from solid state, the cx line is quite a different animal of a amp than the fpb, fpb-c amps all together!, seems better in every way, I owned an original fpb 200 years ago, I have only owned this 700cx for 14 months, I love this amp so much, I sent it to krell to be completly renewed in every way!, Its only 8 years old, I wanted to do it now why my family can afford to do so, instead of doing so a few years from now!,, cheers!
@ Levchappy, A wise decision on keeping the levinson 333.5 over emotiva amps!, Kudos, you may keep your user name here deservenly!, LOL!,, Happy listening!
I agree Bo1972, Pass Labs is superior to Levinson, and even though far form cheap, their equipment competes with other brand costing much, much more.

Is it true that Pass amps run extremely hot. What was the last best Levinson amp that you've owned for at least 2 years?

Have you ever owned somewhat recent Lamm amp? If so, how does it compare to the Levinson 333.5 and The Pass amp?