Any Suggestions for SS Amp for Devore Nines?

Looking to buy an amp for my Devore Nines. Would welcome recommendations on good matches, price range <$3500, new or used.

I heard the Nines/Pathos Twin Towers on serveral occations. Made beautiful music to my ears. You can get that amp used for under your price point. The amp is a Hybrid. Tubes on the front end. It gets very hot. Pure class A
Have you contacted DeVore Fidelity for John's input?

I think some years ago I could have sworn John had refurbed Threshold SA-1 monoblocks powering some Devore floorstanders. I'm not sure of the model though.

Best of luck with the search.
An Ayre V-5 will sound really, really good with those speakers. BAT and Pass would be good alternatives.