Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe "DC Offset"?

Hi there,

Is there anybody who has a deep experiences with high fluctuated "DC offset" in Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe PreAmp?.

My Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe Preamp shows a highly fluctuated DC reading that reaching +-200mV even more. Last night measurement showed a flucuated reading and reached +-300mV.

A three weeks continuous observation shows that the preamp DC fluctuation seems higly affected by the swing/fluctuation of AC Volatage,day time and night time. I can see that even as small as 0.3V AC voltage abrupt swing will directly generate significant DC offset in the LL2.1.

Your sharing experience and advices are higly appreciated.
In addition to the previous post about problem with the Lamm LL2.1, It's a brand new preamp, running hour at about 30-40 hour when the problem started occured.

When paired it with McCormack DNA 0.5 deluxe and Totem Model 1 speakers. The Lamm+McCormack Combo produces an unexpected and intermitten movement of the totem woofer cone back and forth. But when the Lamm replaced by other preamps (SFL-1 or Graaf or Mark Levinson 380 preamp), the system going fine.

In the other case, when the Lamm paired with a tube power amp, things also doing fine.

Perhaps, because The DNA power amp is a Direct Coupled design, it passing whatever signals, good or bad, coming from the Lamm directly to the speakers, which then produce a sporadic woofer movement. In the case of highly fluctuated DC offset in the Lamm, this then create problem to the system.

Anybody can help?
I own Lamm LL2.1 (and owned LL2, L2R) and tried all of them with a lot of different amps. I never had or had such a woofer movement. You can get in contact with the manufacturer, probably there is something with it, who knows...but it is not common imo.