Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe "DC Offset"?

Hi there,

Is there anybody who has a deep experiences with high fluctuated "DC offset" in Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe PreAmp?.

My Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe Preamp shows a highly fluctuated DC reading that reaching +-200mV even more. Last night measurement showed a flucuated reading and reached +-300mV.

A three weeks continuous observation shows that the preamp DC fluctuation seems higly affected by the swing/fluctuation of AC Volatage,day time and night time. I can see that even as small as 0.3V AC voltage abrupt swing will directly generate significant DC offset in the LL2.1.

Your sharing experience and advices are higly appreciated.

Well, seems you missing my previous posts and did not cath-up what reflected on that.

I passed all recommendations Lamm gave to me to the dealer, verbally, face to face, by email, By phone. I've done every necessary things that should be, the way normal and educated people would do.

If the dealer and their technician, whose Lamm deeply trust very very much, then why when they took the other way the blame become in my side?

Lamm shifted the issue to the dealer, they pushed me to talk to dealer, they rejected to answer my email, they assured me that dealer and their technician will and can handle the problem.....then it is Lamm obligation to talk to the dealer and dealer to talk to Lamm.

I've spent my energy and time pushing dealer to talk to Lamm, but if they did not do that.....then why it supposed to be my fault?

Or.....may be,.....may be......,there is some kind of conspiracy between them? So that I can not talk to either dealer and Lamm, and leave me, the customer, in the frustration and solve all thing by myself
Gr-gin, I'm sorry to say this, but you chose to make this a public matter. I cannot believe that any dealer that handles an uber high-end line like Lamm would leave you hanging with a defective product. IMO, there is more to this story than we're being told. I truly hope your issues are resolved to your satisfaction.
Dear Chayro,

No worries.

My Friend teased me by offering to purchase the unit at half price of my original purchased. He may take the unit for an experiment, he jokingly said. So, worse to worse, ithis might be my last resort solution.
Dear all,

This is to update you on the last finding on my Lamm LL2.1 problem.

I finally replaced the output and coupling capacitors by myself and succeed. No woofer movement again and the measurements showing good results.

so, being in audio hobby, we have to be creative and keep trying finding the solution by yourself.

Unless you're a technician, or at least know electronic fundamentals, leave the lid on, or take a chance on being out of big bucks.