Lower distortion is a good thing so the THD specs for both units speak for themselves.
I never said the CJ was inferior. In my experience with both amps I liked the Odyssey. I would be very happy with the CJ also but given a choice.
I have a CJ PV-10 that I am currently using and I think it is a great sounding preamp. They are a first rate company that has been very helpful anytime I need help with any of their products.
Lower distortion is a good thing so the THD specs for both units speak for themselves.
I never said the CJ was inferior. In my experience with both amps I liked the Odyssey. I would be very happy with the CJ also but given a choice.
I have a CJ PV-10 that I am currently using and I think it is a great sounding preamp. They are a first rate company that has been very helpful anytime I need help with any of their products.