Experience with the Pass Labs XP-15 phono stage?

I'm thinking of replacing my ARC PH7 with the Pass Labs XP-15, to give me more flexibility to use low gain MCs.

Anyone made the switch to this phono stage?

Thanks for your help!
I own the ARC PH-8 and used to own the PH-7. I'm don't know what type of low gain MC cartridge you have in mind. But, FWIW, the PH-7/8 can do a good job with MC cartridges having as little as .5mV output. Admittedly, many of the finer low output MC cartridges may only produce as little as .25mV of gain. That is clearly too low for the PH-7/8. If you have the $$$, the ARC Ref Phono 2 (or SE version) can handle the lower output MC cartridges.
Thanks, Bifwynne, you've helped me in the past with some good advice. I don't have the budget to jump up to the ARC Ref 2, as much as I'd like. I've got a line on a Dynavector XX2, always loved Dynavectors, but the gain on the PH7 is not sufficient to handle that cartridge.
I would look into the Herron Audio VTPH-2 with 69 db of gain. It will easily be the equal of you ARC PH-7 and may even surpass it. Here is the website http://www.herronaudio.com/vtph2specs.html. Good Luck .

If you are happy with your PH-8 (mine is a "lowly" PH-5) why not consider a step-up transformer rather than an entirely new phono stage?