emotiva mono block amps any good?

interested in sound quality of emotiva mono block amps.
What I'm saying is a direct question. What would be arguably better used for the same price as the new item that I mentioned? I'd like you see what specific examples you cite to back up your statement.

I didn't say or imply that my example couldn't be beat. I merely posted one of their products and asked you for an example of products that would be 'arguably' better. You may be correct...I'd just like to see some examples of your claim.
Oh my gosh. Sorry, I can't resist. But if the question is what would I rather spend $1,600 on in terms of a used amp, a 5 minute brousing of the current listings here produced some possibilities: top pick, Plinius SA-50(1,600); Rowland Model 1 (1,220); Bel Canto M300 monos (1,050); Ayre V3 (1,300); several listings form McIntosh and Classe, etc. I'd take any one of these over an Emotiva. Just my 2 cents.
Or new Odyssey Khartago or Stratos, with Odyssey upgrades. Less power but 20 year warranty.
How about the XPA-1s on ebay right now for $1200 shipped? From an apparently reputable dealer.
If you needed an amp with lots of headroom and testicular fortitude, all of the flea-powered examples above would be woefully inadequate.

All of you trotted out the familiar names of the usual high-end suspects. Come on, a 50 wpc Plinius stereo amp?? Get real. 60 wpc Rowland? Laughable.

Compare apples to apples and find me a used pair of 500 wpc monoblocs for $1600 that would be better.