25 Watt Tube Amp for 90db Speakers?

They are Snell type J's that are 8ohm and 90db efficient.
Is a 25 watt tube amp enough? I am looking at a Cary Audio Super Amp. Thanks for any info.....
Al, just told it like it is.
People say, for instance. you can drive Maggies with 50 watts.Yes, sound will come out, but if you want Classical crescendo fidelity, about 500 watts @4 ohms will be required. At least for the 5 pairs I've owned .
Not all 25 watt amplifiers are created equal. To me watt ratings on amplifiers is a lot like horsepower ratings for cars.
We're talking about Snell Js, a two way speaker with an 8" woofer. Regardless of the amplifier it is not a loudspeaker capable of reproducing orchestral peaks, cannonshots or Saturn V lift offs. With a 25 watt amplifier it should be able to generate 99dB levels at a moderate listening distance. That's not deafening, but it's plenty loud.
Rrog, 1horsepower = approx 745 Watts. Watts, units of power are all created equal: White watts, Black and Hispanic watts, Asian watts, tube and solid-state watts.
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