Hello Mt T: Cap upgrades will increase performance, almost anywhere in an amp. Certainly; in the case of that 2uF, but- the .22uF will be more noticable. The filter caps are the large ones that extend above the chassis, next to the power and output transformers(C2-5, in the parts list). Depending on how old the amps are; the replacement of those caps can yield dramatic benefits(especially dynamics/bass impact). The 805C came out in 1991, so- your pair could be as old as 22 years. A virtually guaranteed, drastic change in sound quality, with those 1500uF/450V Vishays installed(and they're some of the easiest things to swap out, in an amp). I would do the coupling caps first(especially while they are on sale), let them burn in(a couple hundred hours), so you appreciate the differences that they've made. Then, upgrade the power supply filter caps and brace yourself for the next level.