Hk_fan, in case it's not clear my last point has nothing to do with impedance swings, and holds true even if the speakers are a perfect 8 ohm load at all frequencies.
To further clarify my last point, consider the situation in which the speakers are single-amped, using either a pair of 400W monoblocks or a 400W per channel stereo amplifier. Let's say that the speaker efficiency and volume setting are such that during peak passages of some recordings the full 400W capability of that amplifier is called upon.
Then let's change the setup to a pair of biamped 200W monoblocks per channel. Will that setup be able to play those same recordings at the same volume levels, without clipping or otherwise running out of steam?
The answer is that it will not, unless the frequency content of those musical peaks happens to be such that their power requirements at frequencies above and below the frequency of the crossover point are equal, which is very unlikely. So it would not be correct to consider the 2 x 200W biamped configuration as having the same power capability as a single-amped 400W configuration.
-- Al
To further clarify my last point, consider the situation in which the speakers are single-amped, using either a pair of 400W monoblocks or a 400W per channel stereo amplifier. Let's say that the speaker efficiency and volume setting are such that during peak passages of some recordings the full 400W capability of that amplifier is called upon.
Then let's change the setup to a pair of biamped 200W monoblocks per channel. Will that setup be able to play those same recordings at the same volume levels, without clipping or otherwise running out of steam?
The answer is that it will not, unless the frequency content of those musical peaks happens to be such that their power requirements at frequencies above and below the frequency of the crossover point are equal, which is very unlikely. So it would not be correct to consider the 2 x 200W biamped configuration as having the same power capability as a single-amped 400W configuration.
-- Al