Hypex NCore 1200

I plan to purchase the class D NCore 1200 amps.
Has anyone compared these amps against those class A or A/B amps such as McIntosh MC501, Passlab XA160.5 or Lamm 1.2!?
Guido, they were at the NJ Audio Show this year.

Other then that I can not find the amps on their site and can not find "Care Audio" who had the room at the show.

I must say that I found the sound of the room as just average. That is not a bad thing, just not a, I want to stay and listen longer, or a wow moment.
Thank you Al, I will contact TRL and find out the scoop about the TRL600. I will post any info in the public domain to Agon. G.
Guido, Here is the some what of a review of the Mola-Mola Amps that you are looking for. It is near the end.

Primare_cd31. I must say that what you are experiencing with the TRL amps is not what I have seen from the Veritas. That said the Veritas, as Guido has observed, do go through their own break-in period. Perhaps TRL does no pre break-in before they ship them.

By the way keep them ON ALL the time. They sound their best fully warmed up. They take a few hours to a day to sound their best after they are turned off. They use very little electric at idle.

That said I have not heard the Veritas do what you are hearing. And the Mola-Mola and Acoustic Imagery amps also.

Try lifting the ground on the amps by using a cheater plug and see if that works and let use know.

As an aside use some vibration control, I like Stillpoints a lot, and try some different power cords.