OJ. Your question, the way it's phrased, can't really be answered well. "Good" means different things to different people. If I could rephrase your question, I would ask, good for...what? Home theater in a living room 12'x6'? Stereo listening? Used to decode digital sources for music and movies? Good for driving x model speaker system?
For me personally I'd love to offer some comments but unless I know more about your goals and objectives it will be hard to give you the right advice. From a high level, yes Marantz is a solid name and brand; yes it has room correction but not the latest version of Audyssey if your specs are correct (so are there significant room acoustic problems?); yes Marantz normally has a good amplification section but you probably don't want to drive speakers rated at less than 4 ohms with the unit.
Bottom line, this is certainly what would be considered a near top of the line receiver. It has lots of great specs and connectivity and has the latest IP control and AirPlay (nice if you have an iphone or iPad or Mac or iTunes).
So if you are looking for a high end receiver and this has the specs you need **to achieve the goals you are trying to accomplish** then it's likely a great fit for you.
For me personally I'd love to offer some comments but unless I know more about your goals and objectives it will be hard to give you the right advice. From a high level, yes Marantz is a solid name and brand; yes it has room correction but not the latest version of Audyssey if your specs are correct (so are there significant room acoustic problems?); yes Marantz normally has a good amplification section but you probably don't want to drive speakers rated at less than 4 ohms with the unit.
Bottom line, this is certainly what would be considered a near top of the line receiver. It has lots of great specs and connectivity and has the latest IP control and AirPlay (nice if you have an iphone or iPad or Mac or iTunes).
So if you are looking for a high end receiver and this has the specs you need **to achieve the goals you are trying to accomplish** then it's likely a great fit for you.