Standalone Room Correction Component

What are the current room correction components out there that only correct for room effects. No cost limitations, through cheaper is always better. I know there are some out there specific for subwoofers but I was looking for one that controls full range with delays, etc. for a 2ch to 7.1ch setup. Auto correction as well as manual correction would be a plus. Thanks.
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I will do demonstrations for Onkyo this year. I hope to get contact with the people who make the products. I want them to develope a new standalone unit with Xt32 and possibility for Audessey Pro with a 32-192 dac. Lyngdorf is an older system what really ruins the music. It filters the acoustic sound of the room. sound becomes clean and flat. The people who have it, don't use it. This says enough. I talked for some time with the Trinnov people. I think this is the best system available. it is not cheap!
If you need 7.1 channels you could get a modded Oppo with Vanity93 digi out board. You could run this straight digitally into a Trinnov MC8. The Trinnov will expand 5.1 to 7.1 using 3D remapping. You will have less flexibility than with an HDMI based SSP, but sonically the only thing equivalent to this would be usual suspect of >$25K processors (Meridian, Krell, ADA reference).
Found this old thread but after reading through some of the comments, I thought I would comment. I have heard the McIntosh MEN220 and it works superbly, better than you think. For the above commenter who discounts roomperfect, he/she hasnt heard it or hasnt heard it properly set up.

As far as the commenter who alluded to some sort of special decoder ring club that doesnt allow girls or tone controls, I just had to chuckle. If it sounds good to you with tonal adjustments, then it sounds good. I cant believe the number of people who swear tone controls are the first sign of the apocolypse and yet, they spend thousands on cables that serve the same purpose for them. As to whether the application of digital room correction and whether it somehow corrupts the analog....well, its better than listening to the pure analog in an untreated room with peaks and dips and smearing.

Seriously folks, go hear one for yourself and at least you'll understand the SIGINIFICANT improvements the McIntosh MEN220 can bring to a system. I was not a believer, especially for the money, until I experienced myself. Peace.
Sounds to me like you're attempting to insert this unit, say, between your Oppo Disc spinner, and a multi channel amplifier, and going sans the pro/pro, correct?
You know you're probably chopping dynamics across the board in half, likely, yes? Regardless, you can likely set the delays in the Disc spinner, so the delays shouldn't matter in the room correction. That said, if ultra purity is your thing, then simply get Rives Audio PARC, and you won't get any better sound or performance, period, bar none, for fixing the bass (only EQ problem you're really dealing with anyway, is going to fix the bass, for the most part)
Getting anything else isn't likely going to improve anything that the above won't make work amazing. The rest of your "fixable" (with any room correction that Im aware of) issues are going to be addressed with proper setup and acoustic treatments and considerations. No miracles fix fundamental problems.
Yes, Rives PARC
AVGoround, you must have me confused with someone else. I dont own a disc spinner, have never owned an Oppo, not that theres anything wrong with Oppo. I do agree that treatments and proper placement make a dramatic difference but they do not solve every issue, especially in rooms where people actually live. I am convinced that a McIntosh MEN220 will improve the enjoyment of most systems in most rooms for most listeners....especially those who are open minded.