Amp and pre-amp

I have about $5,000 to spend On an amp and a pre-amp

50% home theater
50% music. It's more important that the music sounds great rather than the thx if I have to sacrifice. I listen to both soft and classic rock

I haven't been in the market for about 9 years and it seems a bit confusing to me ( I'm to old and tired to re-learn )

I have

Snell XA-60 towers
Snell XA-55 center
Snell SR30 surround
McIntosh PS112 sub

The new room is big 17' X 26'

I moved and sold my
MX 134
MC 126. Seemed to have a very difficult time driving the Snells when I get drunk and turn up the volume
Are you looking for a 2 channel preamp with a HT passthrough or a HT preamp?
I don't know. I'm looking for suggestions

At this stage prob a HT preamp and a 5 channel amp