Need multi-channel that's great on 2 channel

I'm looking for a multi-channel receiver that's GREAT for two-channel listening. I'm thinking of upgrading what I have, given the space I have to play with. Most of the time I listen to music, not watch movies.

Arcam's AVR600 keeps getting mentioned; are there others that are very good musically?

Any input would be most welcome,
There are so many different ways to go Jeff. Since we don't know budget, I'll assume up to 5K, the price of an Arcam 600.

Here are just a few solid state preamp/power amp combos you can look at starting in price low to high. All the preamps have HT Bypass and will provide plenty of power to drive your B&W 805's. I am sure others can give their recommendations too:

Parasound 2100/Parasound 2250
Parasound HALO P5/A21
Atoll PR100SE/AM200
Primare PRE30/A30.2

Interested in tubes? Look at the Rogue Audio Perseus preamp and couple it with a Rogue Stereo 90 power amp or Rogue M150 mono blocks.

Want to bi-amp? Since you like Arcam, you can also consider their A38 integrated (has HT bypass) and a P38 Power amp.

Finally, don't forget a wide variety of integrated amps with HT Bypass that will do the same as the above combos but with only one box. Some good ones that come to mind are the Marantz Reference PM15S2 and the PM11S3, Creek Destiny 2 and the Music Fidelity M6i.

All above combos and integrateds should be well below the cost of an Arcam 600 with the exception of the Rogue tube mono-blocks that would be about $5500 for preamp and amps.

Good luck and have fun!
I run a Dared DV-6C multichannel analogue integrated amp. It is a Hybrid Integrated tube pre/ solid state 65x6. It's quality way surpassed my Parasound HCA 2205AT 220x5 power amp and my Onkyo Pro SC-885 prep processor priced at $4500 list. The Dared was $425 shipped to my door. A no-brainer...Sounds excellent for movies and music. ..Check it out.....
Another vote here for using a 2 channel preamp with HT bypass connected to the AVR pre-outs. Here's a thread with a list of preamps with a HT bypass:
Hello everyone,
Again, I've really appreciated everyone's feedback; it's been most helpful.

What I've decided to do is go with two separate systems: my home theater system, based around my Marantz SR 7005; and then my two-channel system, based around my old Arcam Alpha 9 integrated and power amps, which I will bi-amp with my B&W 805's.

The Arcams returned from a trip to Audio Doctor in Phoenix, which is an authorized Arcam service center (Cornell Smith was most helpful); he replaced the capacitors, but otherwise found the units in perfect shape. He also cleaned/checked-up my Arcam Alpha 9 CD and Arcam MCD players; both are in great shape.

This is a work in progress; I will be upgrading the amplifiers...but in the meantime, I am buying a Furman reference 15i power conditioner; I've also purchased some beautiful racks from Timbernation; I plan to buy a better interconnect for the Alpha's; I have Kimber 8tc speaker wire....and Kimber PBJ interconnects for my CD sources.

I also have a Marantz 6300 turntable,which is my restoration project.

As for my home theater, the Marantz has been wonderful. My speakers are Mirage Nanosats; I plan to upgrade them, too....but for what I use that system for...they're perfectly fine for now. My main source will be a Marantz UD/7006 BD/SACD.

So...mid-fi, with some high-end flourishes. Both systems will improve with time.

Please feel free with chime-in with suggestions; always open to that, and thanks, again, for taking the time to read my thread.
