IMAX Oblivion -my take take on the experience

Walked into an IMAX screening of the latest Tommy Cruiser Oblivion movie last night. I personally liked it, and rank a notch or so above Prometheus, and perhaps right near the likes of a Tron Legacy, approaching Minority Report. Overall, like a lot of recent history sci-fi realeasings of last decde, my impression of the film was that it was largely carried by the assitance of a beautiful, massive, HD digital (4K?!) viewing experience, and a SUPERBLY detailed n dynamic active digital sound system! FUN FUN FUN! (I also admit that I'm a fan of whatever Cruiser tends to be cast in, especially sci-fi/action flick-wise)
Anyway, back to point. first thing I notices at openning scene was that black levels of this screening were only "slight-above average" at best! In fact, I kept thinking that certainly my JVC projector's I've owned have offered BETTER BLACK LEVEL performance than this! -So that's encouraging, and it made me feel good about potential on the home front. An yet, the detail and contast of the picture, in most every scenes (a little bit gray overall in dark, low relative light level scenes) was VERY good - infact highly impressive. OK, WOW! I was not disapointed in the visual and sound of this presentation!
Another thing, I pressume that 2 digital projectors in an IMAX presentation means 4K digital? Because the picture sure looked really really good at nearly 1:2 seating distance (I was upfront). But yet I could still see some pixel structure on white texts and very light areas of the image, making me think that 4K vs 2K presentations in my home are ultimately going to still be relative to how far I sit from the screen! (still excited that 1080p works, while we wait for even better. Hehe)
Never the less, there wasn't really anything to complain about, but rather much more to get enthused about, for pic and sound. Oh, and the sound was REALLY potent and dynamic! Twas very thrilling sound indeed, with great pressence, dynamics, and a solidly believeable soundstage.
If anything, it made me think that most passive home stereo systems aren't likely going to pressent as bold and as powerfull of a pressentation as what I experienced from the active digital horn system that was IMAX -very hard hitting and potent sound, to be sure.
Basically, besides enjoying the experience and film for the most, the sound and pic really made me excited about getting the same experience in my home! Really these movies inspire me to look foreward to better projection in my setup, better viewing environment assessment, and upgarding my sound system.
So I say to every, If you get a chance to go see this film, (particularly at a good IMAX theater) I highly recommend it to the faithful here, as it will make you take notice of the quality that you can try to reproduce on your home system, at the least.
But besides that, I think most will simply enjoy the film, and appreciate the technical achievements of the presentation.
Good show!
Lol! $19.50 IC's? I have yet to find a pair that cheap that REALLY sounds good. Best I've found is $120/pr used Harmonic Tech Truth Links. $19.50??? PLEASE inform me what you find good at $19.50 for IC's! Heck, I'll try most anything once for a system option. :-)
It would seem one with your predilection would have to watch the movie twice, once for the technical aspects and a second time for the story, plot, etc. Or maybe it might be thrice?

As far as IMAX, I recently saw the latest Star Trek and it was great but after the movie and talking to the wife about the $120 it cost (popcorns and icees inclusive) for the 4 of us to go, it seems a bit hard to justify. The sound and the picture are great but I do enjoy watching a movie on my 60" plasma with 5.1 for $4 quite a bit as well.