Infocus X1 projector to Outlaw Audio 975

Having some trouble getting my Infocus X1 projector to recognize the new Outlaw Audio 975 processor. It keeps searching for a source and never locks in. I think I have it hooked up properly, using a VESA to component adaptor from the projector's input to the processor's component's output. Am I missing something?
Still no luck. I am getting audio to work now, but no video. I adjusted the Outlaw to 1080i from 1080p. Even tried dumping down to 720 and 480p. Nothing. I also tried switching to Native.
The source I'm using is a DVD player via HDMI connection. Perhaps HDMI is not going to show up through a projector connected via component? If that's the case, then the only good solution would be to get a projector with HDMI, right? Yikes, more $.
Perhaps HDMI is not going to show up through a projector connected via component?
That is correct, see my previous post. Again, if you are using the Integra DPS-6.7, it must be connected with component video and digital audio to the Outlaw, and the Integra's resolution must be set to 480p to get an output from the its component video outputs (p58 - Integra manual). Also, the resolution adjustments on the Outlaw only affect the HDMI. To use HDMI, you will need a different projector.

Have you tried using the component video only?
I don't have an Integra DPS 6.7 DVD player hooked up any longer (it had been getting finicky about playing most DVD's, so needs to be serviced). I've been trying a brand new Sony DVD blu-ray player with HDMI and an older Mitsubishi with componenet, just to see if I can get anything to show video. Thing is, not only is the projector not working on video through the processor, but I cannot get video to show on a new TV with HDMI and componenet inputs either. Ugh. I'm going to have to go back and methodically try the different options again unless anyone has a better suggestion. Thanks.
OK, I've gotten the component video working via the new TV directly with component connections from DVD player to processor and then processor to TV. So, now I just need to get the projector working the same way. I'll keep plugging, but please keep the suggestions coming.....
You might try connecting the DVD player directly to the projector without the Outlaw. This would make sure the projector is set correctly. Since you are using the VESA adapter to the VGA input, you must select the computer input on the projector. If no picture, try the "auto range" button on the projector. Once you get that working, then try the Outlaw. Also, try connecting the Blu-ray player directly to the TV.