Having trouble with sound deadening

My theater is in the basement and I have A LOT of soundproofing. It works well for mids and highs, but the bass still shakes the room upstairs. The structure of the home is transferring the bass. Is there any way to deaden the structure of the house?
I recommend a couple of bass shakers. Too much bass from powerful sub could hurt listeners’ ears. Young people's ears are easy to damage! The bass shaker is more effective and fun to feel the action in the movie. They are quiet, small, cheap and easy to install. Bass shakers should be attached under the sofa or listening chair. Then you just need no or one small powered sub with low volume at night.
Look up Quiet Rock_ to add t your existing drywall. Do not remove existing drywall- waste of money. add to what you have. Resilient bars, with quiet rock---incredible improvement!!! 2 or three treatments will stop train rumbling by!!!
Bass moves in mysterious ways in a room. There are almost always peaks and nulls that occur in a particular space. One thing to try is to move your sub or subs to a different part of the room. That can change the way bass energy is transferred to the rest of the house. Also try them near field closer to the couch. That way you can turn down the sub volume and still get the bass response you are looking for.

Acoustic measurements would help to understand the problem.

Everything else is guessing.

Audyssey XT32 has a low frequency filter that can be applied to minimize those bass notes that easily disturb people in neighboring rooms.

If you get a AVR or Pre/Pro with the XT32 in it (not the regular Audyssey, it has to be the XT32), it may help the situation.