Very large room HT

My room is 20 By 45'
My budget 20,000$
Advice for complete 5.1 speakers amp Pre etc,all but tv
Great idea Bill!
I live in Houston Tx
I would love to listen to you system ,and I will bring a bottle of wine...
THX is a system, wenn it is on your Amp ( like mine) you know one thing for sure. Lucas earns money on the amp you bought. The story about the 3-dimensional image is 100% true. It is very easy to find out what the difference is between 2 and 3-dimensional. You need to connect those brands who can give a wide and deep stage. Like speakers who can en like the amps who can. You need both to keep the deep and wide stage. Wenn one does not have these skills it is almost gone. Go to a dealer were these brands are. You will understand what the difference is. I only do demo's on shows because I want to let people hear the difference between 2 and 3-dimensional sound. Because it will give you that sound were you want to listen for many hours. And yess 20.000 dollar is a lot of money. You only can spent it once!
Wine is fine but a good tequillia... heaven..

as far as the "3D sound" i guess i just do no understand what you are saying... a wide sound stage usually refers to how far from one side to the other the speaker sends its sound... and there are specs for that.

but besides that frequency response goes from high to low. low distortion. efficiency. changes things but when it is all said and done a speaker just moves in and out to make sound.

i purchased my speakers used and i believe you would be hard pressed to find any pair of speakers that sound better in that price range, no mater your preference for manufacturers.

just my 2 cents... but then again maybe i am def. i have also bought components that i was told i would notice a night and day difference and i did not hear any difference.

there seems to be a very NOTICEABLE line that yields the biggest differences in sound in HT. once you cross the line only very small changes are noticed if any... again... my experience... have i heard every speaker???? NO... not at all.

Here's how all this works..
First, Vast majority of consumers systems, regardless of expenditure, have chity performing systems, that are no where near the capability of what they COULD have ended up with if they did it right in the first place! Truely, Home theater in a box, Bose, and similar would have done them just as good. ..cause they haven't a clue, and likelyl neither does their "professional" installer!
NO, THX is not just a certification! Can you get a great HT system that's NOT THX? Sure! Problem is 99% of all audio enthusiests and consumers alike don't know what they're actually doing, and the acoustics are already likely a huge obstacle to great performance to begin with! Thus THX is an easier integration, comparatively, that has a much better fundamental chance, all room setups acoustical challenges, and likely issues that will come into play during setup aside, if it's not broken, don't fix it!
Worked in 6 high end audio video stores over the past 2 decades, and sold/did it all. ..Did all the custom, was an avid audio/vidoephile, went to CES EVERY year, including "The Show", Cedia maybe once (custom is a bit dry and I sourced it out when I sold systems), read about every document I could find on room acoustics, and played, installed, and built most every type you can imagine, and implemented them. Oh, and along the way, tinkered with modified AV gear, custom loud speaker implementations, took classes for calibration, theory, integration, acoustics, yada yada.
So here some of you people are... giving other people advice to simply go down and listen to find out what you like! YEEEAH! As if this was going to be an indicator as to how that same equipment that they heard, in some other room that's TOTALLY different than their own- btw, was going to perform after THEY set it all up in their own home setting!! WWWROOONG!
This is why you can't simply read a magazine recommended review, list, or someone's biased opinion (as a zealous green-horn audio enthusiast, who just got his first job around gear working for Best Buy /Magnolia, and still doesn't know what they're talking about, no matter how excited they are about all this stuff they think they know!)
NO can't go to CES, and listen to a "Monitor Audio" ht setup, and expect that the industry is suddenly going to stand up with high praise and accolades, showting "THIS IS IT! ..THIS IS THE SINGLE BEST HOME THEATER EXPERIENCE WE'VE ALL BEEN SEARCHING FOR!!! AAAAA AAAAA AAHHHAAAAAAA!!!!
No it's not going to happen, and those same speakers you might have just liked with some pop music playing suddently don't sound so good in your 8 foot ceiling, poor acoustically laid out living room, vs what you just heard in a large high ceiling carefully laid out and acoustically friendly arrangement, which you heard at some esoteric high end audio salon, BEING DRIVEN BY $50K WORTH OF PREAMPS, AMPS , CABLES, POWER CONDITIONING, CD TRANSPORT, ETC!!!!
It's all relative.
All I'm saying is that when I hear people getting on the bandwagon of some loud speaker design that they heard demo'd somewhere, and they suddenly get visions of the heavens opening up, and God coming down to bless your loudspeakers as the "end-all-be-all" of home theater nirvana, I JUST HAVE TO LAUGH! BBBAAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yep, the reality is that people don't know, cause they really don't want to know!
Fall into the trap of simply going out and buying a pair of loudspeakers you listened to (NOT s complete system that's engineered for YOUR SPACE, in YOUR HOME, with YOUR SYSTEM), which you auditioned in some foreign audio shop, with variables you have no idea what you're dealing with, and you get what you deserve!!! All I'm sayin.
Bottom line, if you don't want to go some professional's advice, I recommend HIGHLY that those inquiring here, looking for a system to fit your needs (SYSTEM! - operative word here), simply go through all the av magazine reviewers, and look at what they're using for their dedicated HT systems! In fact, why not just email em and ask em what they use, and what they recommend/suggest you use as well?!!!
HEY! now there's a wise idea!!! Cause face it, otherwise you get every single enthusiests and 2 channel tube/analog audiophile who' uses nothing but a tube amp hooked directly to an OPPO DVD player as their "reference" AV system's, opinion on what's right for you!!
See it all for decades, and you can't reinvent the wheel!
Follow the experts, cause they are in the KNOW!
Probably the best advice I can give for someone putting together their own HT system as a project/hobby, who's trying to figure out the "pieces".
A wise man once said,"..the crowd is ALWAYS wrong!"
At the end the sound quality is what matters. This level says how good a system is. Many people said to me they did not understand what 3-dimensional means. But after hearing it became clear. Now it is very easy for them to understand. Why? because they heard it. Most of them never heard 2 and Multi channel this good. People came to me at the show and said; this is how it should be. Wenn they came in you directly hear the level in focus and in depth. It is that convincing. Even wenn you are not sitting in the middle, the focus is still awesome. You can spend your money only once. That is why I Always do different settings. For example: a source or amp of 2000 e with a pwercable of 100 e. And a source or amp of 1000 e with a powercable of 1000 e. The amount is the same. The end results are Always a lot different. Audyssey Pro solves a lot of acoustic problems. I had this year in a farm very good results with XT-32 in one of the most worst acoustics I ever had.