Emotiva XPA-5 vs. Parasound A51?

I can get a brand new Emotiva XPA-5 for $850, OR, I can get a used Parasound A51 (without warranty) for $2,200.

Without listening to these amps, I am having a very hard time justifying paying almost 3x more for the used Parasound that just offers 50 watts of additional power per channel, which I frankly don't think I need.

Powering B&W 804s as the main speakers. Upgrading to a B&W center channel, and thinking about using Emotiva for the in-ceiling surrounds.

Will spend time 50/50 for music / movies.

Aman, let me be a spoiler of sorts. There's currently an A'gon auction running for a pair of Paradigm Tributes. The current bid is around $3K+, but the reserve has not been met.

I heard the Tributes last year at a dealer while comparing an A'gon favorite brand (X). The Tributes were being driven by an ARC VS-115 tube amp and sounded SPECTACULAR! They cleaned the floor up with brand X. IMO of course.

I own the Paradigm S8s (v3) and think the Tributes sound almost as good as the S8s. Check Paradigm's web site for a review of the Tributes. I generally agree with the reviewer's comments and observations based on my experiences with the S8s and comparing the Tributes with brand X.

This is a gorgeous++ looking and sounding speaker. Sure wish there were more B&M stores that carried a lot of different speaker brands. Buying expensive gear is a tough job.

Anyway, sorry to shift the discussion, but maybe other members will weigh in with some helpful observations about the Tributes and the Paradigm's Signature line.

Good luck.

Sorry Aman. My last post was intended to be in your thread asking for advice about Revel vs Cremona vs B&W speakers. I reposted my comments there. So please ignore the post above.