Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?

Does anyone know if the Proceed AVP will process linear pcm input? Namely, if I have a PS/3 decode the HD/Master Audio tracks, send them down the HDMI cable to a splitter/ssp which sends the audio output to coax/toslink to the AVP, can the AVP process the signal?

If the AVP can do, I'm sure the AVP2 can as well.

Thank you,
There may be a flaw in my plan: If I use the PDSD pass-through for input from the Oppo 105, there may be no way to get analog output from the PAV for the phono stage.

Db, I thought you'd bring the oppo in through the multichannel single ended connections on the pdsd. If you just want stereo just hook them up there. Without seeing all your stuff I'm not sure if you had something else already in there. Tim

The living room system is 2.1, because the arrangement doesn't make surround speakers practical. I connected the Oppo 95 stereo to the LR mains of the 5.1 pass-through of the PDSD, and the sound was splendid. That setup has only the Oppo as a source. But if I migrated the same idea to the media room where there are 3 sources, two disc players and a phono stage, I'd run into the limitation I wrote about in my previous post.

I'll try connecting the Oppo to the analog XLR input of PAV and connecting the output of the PAV to the PDSD, but what I may have liked so much in the previous setup was the direct pass through of the Oppo to the amp. I can go through the PAV or directly to the PDSD pass-through in the living room setup.

Do you feel there is a difference between the pass through and a signal coming from the PAV? When a signal comes from the PAV is is it kept analog? I would think that it would be kept analog just like the multichannel inputs are. I think that is the cool thing about the PAV/pdsd is that all analog stays analog and
Only digital sources are dealt with in the digital domain.

Sorry for the iPhone accidental premature first post. :-)