Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or

Panasonic TX-P65ZT65B, I'm having a hard time deciding, the Samsung seems brighter and sharper my family room is a little on the bright side, the Panasonic, blacks and colors are awesome.
your feedback would be appreciated.
thank you.
I read a 2013 test review between the Panasonic VT & ZT series and the Samsung PN64F8500. Flat panel shoot-out audience and a Flat panel shoot-out Experts. The audience liked the samsung by 9.1 average to both panasonic at 8.9. The experts were 8.9 both Panasonic to 8.9 samsung.

What I got from the review was that the Panasonics having better, deeper, crisper blacks, while the Samsungs contrast/brightness was better than the panasonic giving it a better overall picture preference. If the blacks are amazing with the best of contrast and brightness, your 3dimensional image depth will be topnotch. Even with 3d viewing. I presently have a 58" 850 series plasma which still is an amazing picture but I think my next bigger TV will be the Samsung PN64F8500...Just search Panasonic vs Samsung plasma 2013.
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