Purchasing and setting up a home music system

I've recently moved into a new home, and I am now looking to purchase and set-up a more comprehensive music system. Specifically, I am searching for a *5 CD DISC CHANGER* that would enable *HD QUALITY OUTPUT* into a *SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM*, play *.WAV AUDIO FILES* from a *USB DRIVE* and connect and play music from my *160GB IPOD CLASSIC*.

In terms of a player, the closest that I've come across is the *YAMAHA CD-C600BL 5-DISC CD CHANGER*, although I'm not certain whether it would play .wav files or if it is compatible with my model of iPod. So yeah, I'm basically looking for a system and multicomponential speaker set that fulfils the aforementioned criteria, but I'm struggling to find anything that will cut the mustard - big time.

This is something that I've never had the space or resources to acquire previously, and I'd greatly appreciate any help or recommendations that you guys could give me. Thanks. :-)
So you are buying a separate 2 channel system? Is it suppose to integrate with the NAD 757? I am a little confused.
Ignore that! I've purchased the Oppo 103 and this has been delivered to my home. I ordered the NAD iPod Dock, but the supplier sent the Onkyo DS-A4 by mistake. I'll be ordering the surround sound system and receiver shortly. Thank you for your help!
Since you have 5.1, try EARS on your stereo signals. It is much better than PLII at doing 5.1, in my opinion. Good luck!
Hi there,

What cables would you recommend for connecting the B&W 684 speakers to the NAD757V2?
