Square room Soundstage??

I have a small 8 1/2 by 8 1/2 room. I am have been trying to get a soundstage in the room with no luck.

Has anyone had success with getting a good soundstage in a square room. Would room treatments be helpful in your experience? Or am I pushing my luck because of the small square room?

Contact SpatialAudio.Com re Black Hole bass node attenuator, A subwoofer type unit with mic attached that puts extra bass energy into the room to counteract nodes. $1000, has made a significant imprvt in my system. Email them.
Can you describe your setup; how far the speakers are apart from each other, from you, from the walls and where your listening position is?
I have tired alot of diffrent speaker placements. I seem to get the best results from near field listening and maybe 7 feet in between speakers. With the speakers far away from side or back walls

My speakers are rear ported. Is there any information the can be gained due to the fact that near listening has produced the best results? When I am put the speakers up close some intruments sound like there right over my head other still come right from the speaker.

Put furniture in the room, get a carpet or rug, and move the speakers around until they sound better to YOU. Done.
sadly I have carpet and funiture in there. I also know for that at one time the equipment did throw a deep sound stage behind the speakers. The guy who sold it to me also stated that it usaully thows deep sound stage behind the speakers.

I guess I am really going to have to work to set up a room that allows for a soundstage. Eventually I will get a conditoner and room treatments. I know it can sound so much better its terrible I am having a hard time getting it back. I also plan on reading up on hi-fi and accoustics. Maybe I will come out learning a great deal from this challege.