I did consider 2 Bryston 7BSST2's. The have the best warranty out there and have ample grunt. After having a visit from an expert he said my room is very bright, the speakers are very bright and the brystons are very bright and it could give me one of the most fatiguing systems out there.
I Havent written them off entirely. I Was thinking going something warmer like the Pass.
Its hard to decide as I cant audition anything where i live i have to fly 1200Km's before I can get to a capital city in australia.
Ill have to keep toying around with placement etc and see if it bears fruit.
The rotels drive the speakers reasonably well but it is very evident that they lose control of the bass at high volumes. You can see it in the driver excursion and definately hear it.
My budget is maybe like 10k for amps so im looking to go second hand. I would rather let someone else pay for the loss of value as soon as the amp comes out of the box.
I think Quad-mans theory of a bass suck might be on the money. I will have a go at these speaker placement programs. My room is an odd shape though so it might be a bit weird.
I Havent written them off entirely. I Was thinking going something warmer like the Pass.
Its hard to decide as I cant audition anything where i live i have to fly 1200Km's before I can get to a capital city in australia.
Ill have to keep toying around with placement etc and see if it bears fruit.
The rotels drive the speakers reasonably well but it is very evident that they lose control of the bass at high volumes. You can see it in the driver excursion and definately hear it.
My budget is maybe like 10k for amps so im looking to go second hand. I would rather let someone else pay for the loss of value as soon as the amp comes out of the box.
I think Quad-mans theory of a bass suck might be on the money. I will have a go at these speaker placement programs. My room is an odd shape though so it might be a bit weird.