Case of the dissapearing Bass

This might sound odd but....

My bass is gone, when i say gone i mean really really gone. I moved my speakers around the room to try to take some of the drone out of the bass. ( moved the speakers further off the wall etc)After having a play around I managed to tidy up the drone a little too well. Now i have no bass.

I have a pair of B&W 802d's, The woofers are popping away like mad im really giving the speakers a workout and Ive totally killed the nice bass slam I had before now to the stage where its non exitent unless I get behind the speakers.

I would have thought the maybe they're out of phase but i havent changed the leads or anything so i dont see how that can be the case.

Im at a bit of a loss. I dont know what to do to get my bass back. Ive even pushed the speakers back closer to the wall than I had them before to no avail.

Any thoughts?
I have been playing around with the room a lot. I have made some changes which are very positive in the mid/ high area. but after more in depth investigation i have found that there is no bass when seated in the middle of the room.

If i sit on the floor i have bass, If i stand i have bass. Just no bass on a chair from the equilateral triangle listening point all the way to the back of the room. Its bloody odd.

The bass is everywhere and MASSIVE when in the centre beside/ behind the speakers. Its so massive i almost lose balance and soil my pants. As soon as I move forward its gone.
Might need to change your short wall / long wall set up. That or switch ends of the room with system and chair. This is definitely a room acoustic issue.

I have gone through MANY amps to find the ONE that has made my B&W 802D SING like I knew they could.
If you put "bright" or "warm" with them then that is what you will here.
They need LOTS of power and I do not mean just watts. I have also found they benefit from bi-wired or bi amped.

Some of the amps I have tried (with no other changes to my system); Theta Digital, Halcro, Bryston(14B SST2), Classe(600M), Nuforce(Ref18), Krell, Ayre, Pass Labs, Mcintosh, ARC, Spectron (Mono only) and several others.

Of the above the new Classe 600M and Pass Labs XA 100.5 and Spectron Mono came close but their size, heat, electric cost, and price gave me pause.

Then I had a chance to try a new Class D amp based on Hypex Ncore NC1200. It is the Veritas Mono by Merrill Audio.

All I can say is WOW! It gave my everything I was looking for and more. It was like I had a whole set of different speakers. And the BASE? Who needs a sub woofer.
And I am not the only one saying that about the Veritas and the base with their speakers.
Some of them own MBL and Maggie with Pass and ARC.

You might be able to demo them so contact Merrill and see what he can do for you.

He is based in New Jersey, USA. But I believe he has sold in Australia. Send him an email. He is very responsive and is accommodating were he can be.