Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
The small bit of information I find are of Asian audiophiles (wrong language for me) with them in their homes. I have SET amplifiers.
Sorry, I realize this thread is about the Everest model, but I attemp to find information anywhere I can :)
1985. You have reminded me of the experience of selecting them. Very pleasant.
I compared to other better speakers in the $4-6/7000 price range available at the time. Brought my dearly departed mother and music loving wife to audition; take em shopping & to a fancy lunch/dinner, make the auditioning just a bit of time out in a fun days(s)(s)(s) in the city. I hate shopping and wanted a 'permanent' upgrade(never was that bright).
Solo piano,Gary Graffman, etc, flute Rampal,Galway (today Pahaud),Spanish guitar Romeros,Paco de Lucia, Carlos Bosa-Lima,Trios,etc, I Musici,Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Stan Getz Joao Gilberto, Great Guitars,and finally Steppane Grappelli, and then Claude Bollings Big band (records I still have but have also acquired on cd).
It simply boiled down to the fact the 250's simply "thrashed" everything else in the musical communication of melody, rhythm,dynamics, top end, bass power/slam and greatest of all- EMOTION (according to the women). I seem to be able to enjoy music out of a boom box(with power isolation/conditioning of course!)
The music though the TI's sent shivers down your spine, got your toes tapping, swept you away, and demanded a party!
The wife,Susan and mum Maureen got to dancing with Stephane and Claude!
Couldn't get them to leave the store w/o the 250's.
We got them, a C-J, Krell 100 and some MIT installed and music at my place was never the same.
I was replacing my beloved Quad 33/303 and Quad stats- which
we had loved til the girls & I heard the big dynamics, top end speed and extension, full mid range and bass slam of the 250's.
Well I'm happy you enquired and I'll say more about the speakers later;but I just put Claude on and I'm pouring a nice whiskey and having a nostalgic one man and his dog party this now lovely Sunday am. Thanks again eh.
Audiolabrynth, must be my age but Claude sounds as beautiful as a clean fresh breeze. I haven't played him in years but he's still a "wow' in my books. You pulled me up into the clouds bud. The rest of my morning will definitely be "time well wasted!" CHEERS!
ps if you take a listen to Bollings big Band cd it's in reverse phase so switch them speakers leads to be 'lit up';)
@ ptss My digital player has a toggle switch on back to invert the phase in or out, cool huh?, Ptss, you seem like you are very cool!, I believe I dig you and your equipment!you have fantastic choices here!, some of the music you mentioned I am not familar with, I am 46 yrs old, how old do you mine me asking are you?,That was a wonderful story you told here, and to finish it off with a shot of whiskey made for a perfect end!, cheers!