Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
Nicely written Phusus.

Most folks in high end audio listen to equipment to impress themselves with their equipment. Decades in the industry have shown me that must audio guys will spend huge amounts of time trying to educate themselves about equipment but almost no time actually going to concerts or learning about music, its structure, and any other musical details. If they loved music as a first priority I believe they would know more about it, know more about who the greats were, at least know something!

It's really about the equipment and not about real music. The mantra of HP is repeated over and over "...real live unamplified instruments......" but that's lip service.

Most philes who listen to jazz know the sound of a sax from their recordings, and would not know a baritone from a tenor from an alto from a soprano sax....they know what they like coming from their speakers, which has little to do with how close it is to the real thing. And that's OK, if it floats their boats.

But, they have to have strong opinions about what sounds RIGHT, and preach to others,which is where it goes wrong. They don't know much about the sound of music, and don't put much if any effort into learning it. This allows heavily colored equipment to prosper, and dynamically flat equipment to do fine. It allows turntables with horrible speed stability to be declared as reference. Such is the industry.

The 66000 or 67000 is not for everyone, that's fine. Unfortunately, most audiophiles won't notice much of what the JBLs do right, unless a reviewer tells them first. This is what allows the flat, monotonous, strained gear to push better gear to the side. That bothers me because it means that there will be less choice for those of us who really do want the sound of music.

I am glad to see some musicphiles on this thread. Unfortunately, Audiogon is mostly guys who know little preaching to other guys who know little. I'm going to semi-retire from here and go back to music forums. Too frustrating trying to get through to closed minds, this thread and its posters excepted from that comment.
@ kiddmann, Believe me when I say this!, I know what music should sound like, most likly more than most people period!, I spent a couple of decades in live bands!, and went to every kind of genre of music concerts!,I do not go by any reviews period!,LOL!, they are paid to say what the manufacturer says to say!,I have vast exsperience with Pro-JBL Pa speakers!, I have had walls of speakers on both sides of me of JBL speakers!, thousands of watts, pure clear sound!,LOL! Alot better sounding than the most exspensive high-end speakers of the audiophile high-end!,, so yeah, I am open minded!, and know music!, cheers!
Well, I own them, and many others, but I cannot say they are the single best. For me they are one of a small group of best as they have so many very positive traits.

When I go hear direct live music away from any PA my brain spontaneously keeps jumping to thoughts of the Everest. The stick on cymbal, the crack of a snare, the tone, directness, clarity, jump of a sax or trumpet, there are so many things, subtle and not subtle, that the Everest do like live music. And, again, that's live music without PA, so it is not that the PA reminds me of Everest.

Even when I'm in a period of several weeks or months where I'm using another speaker I really enjoy, I have to be honest when I next sit in the listening chair after a concert, and say "I really enjoy this speaker, it's a different flavor, but the Everest is more like what I just heard".

That may not be everyone's goal at home, but I'd say that at the very least it is the mark of a really good speaker.
@ kiddmann, ImHo, Now your talking my language!,LOL! Thats exactly why I want a pair of everest speakers!, you confirmed in your opinion exactly what I wanted to know!you put a very big smile on my face kiddmann!,Thankyou so much!, I have a goal set out for me now!, go audition these speakers!, road trip will be coming soon!, Happy listening!